2017 Fall

Letter from the Editor, I would really like to encourage the members to get involved with their newsletter. We would love to share your stories, pictures and any tidbits you have. We are always looking for more things that can be shared with everyone. Remember that classifi ed ads are FREE to members. If you think you are interested in a color ad space…

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2017 Summer

Letter from the Editor, I know everyone is so busy with all the Shire activities. And, I always love seeing it! But, then to add family and everything else on top of it, well, it can get down right crazy. So I’m going to remind all of you of our deadlines for the newsletter. It is so important, and I’m sorry to have to…

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2017 Spring

Greetings fellow ASHA members, I am very humbled to be selected as the vice president of ASHA. I am looking forward to serving with the board of directors and the members of the association, helping with improvements and the growth of the association in a forward thinking and positive direction. We are at a pivotal point for the association, as…

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