2018 Summer

Message from your President, We have just completed the National Shire Show at the Iowa State Fair. I want to thank Lisa Graham for providing excellent leadership as the Show Chairperson, for organizing the members meeting, as well as displaying the trophies and awards to be presented at the show. I also want to thank Jeff Gower and Soaring Eagle Shires for sponsoring the meal that provided for an…

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2018 Spring

Message from your President, This is a very exciting time to be a member of the American Shire Horse Association. We are making great strides forward in many fronts. This progress is due to some outstanding board members that are putting their shoulder into the hames and moving this organization forward. It is very gratifying to see this kind of commitment from these board members. The cost to maintain…

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2017 Winter

Message from your Vice President, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As we draw closer to the Associations’ annual meeting in Tampa, Florida, I would like to take the time to invite you to attend. This year the association made a decision to not do the traditional Education Day at our annual meeting. I know this may be…

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