Message from your President, Spring has finally made its appearance. Horse owners can tell quicker than most because of the extreme shedding of winter hair and putting show plates on the horses! This is always an exciting time of year with better weather and foals making their way into the world. It was also an exciting time in Shipshewana, Indiana at our…
2020 Winter
Message from your President, Greetings and Happy New Year! I am sure we are all ready for 2021 to bring us some normalcy!! The last quarter of 2020 brought us our first electronic voting for your Board of Directors. I would like to thank those who were willing to put their names on the ballot- serving our association does involve a personal commitment…
2020 Summer
Message from your President, Greetings from Idaho, summer is in full swing but due to the Covid 19 outbreak our world for showing horses has been turned upside down. While we hope all are healthy, it sure is hard not being able to showcase the Shires at fairs and expos-it seems that more are cancelling even into the fall shows. Maybe we can…