2011 Spring

Dear Fellow ASHA Members:  I am pleased to report that we had a productive and successful annual members meeting and board meeting this past February. We were very fortunate that Sandy Lerner was so gracious in offering the use of her home and facilities to conduct the meeting. It is very gratifying to have such open and generous support from…

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2010 Winter

Dear Fellow ASHA Members: Well it has been an eventful year in the American Shire Horse Association. We completed the final payment on the lawsuit judgment to Arlin Wareing and also negotiated a final payment of the attorney bill that resulted as well. It is now time to move forward to rebuild our finances and strengthen our organization. Many thanks to our members for your…

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2010 Fall

Dear Fellow ASHA Members: I hope you are enjoying the season and your horses in the fashion you enjoy most. Up here in the almost frozen north, the weather has moderated and cooled into the 60s and those of us who are who are acclimatized are greatly enjoying the change. However, winter is just around the corner, so we have to make sure that…

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