2012 Fall

Welcome once again,  Autumn is heavy upon us with welcomed rain for fall pastures, showing is all but over, and I find myself going to work before sunrise again. All this reminds me of the special needs for my Shire herd going into winter. Teeth, deworming, young stock training, and feed supply in good order (this year has been tough). …

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2012 Summer

 Welcome all!  By the time this newsletter reaches you, summer will be well on its way. The excitement of our new arrivals, and the dreams of their future, draw us to working our prospects and showing our accom-plishments. Yes, it must be showtime!  For those that are planning to show this year, I encourage you to look up the newly…

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2012 Spring

 Greetings to all,  As the seasons change so have a few things at ASHA. The biggest change for me has been stepping into the President’s position of ASHA’s Board of Directors. A new role for me to serve this great breed.  Here in Ohio, spring is early and horses are shedding nice. Foaling sea-son is upon us. Fields are being…

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