2013 Summer

 Welcome once again,  Where did our spring go? Horses are looking good and the foal crop is promising. The show circuit is well on it’s way and the summer heat is here again.  They say time fly’s by quicker the busier you are, well the BoD has been busy. ASHA is moving to a new future in the Shire world….

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2013 Spring

 Welcome once again,  The hope that comes with spring is at hand. Foals have been coming, days are getting longer, and the hope for a good year is before us. As we plan our year, there is much to prepare for. Plowing the fields, teaching new foals to lead, and selecting a show string, really not much different then any…

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2012 Winter

 Greetings,  Well, we have had quite a year behind us. Elections and holidays have come to pass, and plans for a new year runs through our minds. Building on the foundations that have been laid out before us, we continue to grow. Change is part of being alive and it is em-braced by those that are willing to live for…

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