Letter from the Editor,

I know everyone is so busy with all the Shire activities. And, I always love seeing it! But, then to add family and everything else on top of it, well, it can get down right crazy. So I’m going to remind all of you of our deadlines for the newsletter. It is so important, and I’m sorry to have to say that things may not make it in just because of a deadline. As most are not aware of all the things that need to come together to make this happen and still be out in the mail on time.

I have often let the staff know that if there is something running late into our deadlines then please, please let me know and many times things can be worked out. Space can be saved, an update can be included, etc.

If you are a Board Member or a Chair Committee Representative then you know there are reports/updates due on each and every newsletter. Th ere are Quarterly Teleconference Dates, Registration Updates, Membership Updates, Shows, Events, etc., etc. Many of these can be sent in early and I will hold them for time of publication. If you don’t have anything to report then please let me know that too.

Under ADVERTISING are the dates published for mailing and ad copy, those are the dates we work from.

Click here to read the full Newsletter.