Welcome once again, 

Autumn is heavy upon us with welcomed rain for fall pastures, showing is all but over, and I find myself going to work before sunrise again. All this reminds me of the special needs for my Shire herd going into winter. Teeth, deworming, young stock training, and feed supply in good order (this year has been tough). 

As I think of my fall checklist, up comes ASHA with some important items. Election time for the BoD, updates to our bylaws, and preparing for the annual meeting in 2013, to just name a few. A lot is happening behind the scenes in ASHA, and in the draft horse industry. The volun-tary work and belief in the Shire horse goes deep, and your BoD is out there working for you. This brings us to the slate of candidates for elec-tion this year. Call the candidates, talk to them, talk to your current BoDs. This is your opportunity to make yourself known and make the best vote for the Shire Horse, not just someone you have seen or know their name. This is a critical time in the industry. Clean up of our bylaws comes into play from time to time, please read them and talk them over before voting. We need a clean set of rules for a sound format to handle business day to day for you. 

Click here to read the full Newsletter.