Dear Fellow ASHA Members:

I hope you are enjoying the season and your horses in the fashion you enjoy most. Up here in the almost frozen north, the weather has moderated and cooled into the 60s and those of us who are who are acclimatized are greatly enjoying the change. However, winter is just around the corner, so we have to make sure that the hay is in the barn and the fodder is in the shock at this time of the year.

Your Association finally completed paying off our obligations in the Wareing lawsuit this summer. August 1 we transmitted the final $5,500 to Wareings and recently settled our $15,000 attorney bill for $7,500. I know this has been a long and unfortunate road that we have had to travel. I give credit however to our membership, which stood together and personally dipped into their own personal finances to bear the enormous cost of the lawsuit and ultimately save the registry from becoming financially overwhelmed. There are many many lessons to be learned by all involved and I know you would hope that this sort of experience is never repeated.

Click here to read full Newsletter.