Dear Fellow ASHA Members:

As I am writing this it is the first part of April, the weather up here, just north of paradise, is unseasonably warm and dry. In contrast to most years there is actually green on the ground. Like many of you that gets me excited about this year’s foal crop. In addition it is good to get the horses out of the winter pastures and put them to work doing what Shires were bred to do. Here’s hoping you are having a good foaling season and are taking advantage of all of the opportunities provided to work your horses and enjoy them in whatever discipline you enjoy the most.

This year is an election year so we are “calling all hands on deck” asking that if you are willing to commit to positively and constructively participating in the management of this association please put your hat in the ring. I have appointed a nominating committee and former president Heinz Naef is the chairperson. The details and specifics of the nomination process will follow but I would hope that we could have a good turnout of nominees as we have the last two election cycles. This is an important part of our organization and our business. A broad base of participation assures the widest range of ideas and opinions. In matters of governance it is best if all voices are heard, so that any decision made is able to consider and incorporate a number of different positions. This consensus approach results in a slower means of decision making but ultimately a more efficient and effective one.

Click here to read full Newsletter.