Message from the President,
Time seems to fly; how can it be time for another newsletter! Fall is in the air and it’s that time of year when most are weaning foals and getting hay stored up for the winter. Personally, we have been back from the National Shire Show for a few weeks and we are getting ready for other shows. It’s a busy time of year for all!
Regarding the National Show, we had another great show this year hosted by the Iowa State Fair! I believe our halter numbers were up this year, but the hitches after teams were down. I am sure the fuel prices and overall increase in all prices played a role in some participating as well. It was good seeing some of the people we see year after year at the show, and exciting to see new exhibitors and Shire enthusiasts! I would like to thank all that took the time to get their horses ready and participated, and I would like to thank all those that helped make the National Show another success, most importantly the sponsors, your contributions help to make our National very special!