Message from your President,

Greetings from Idaho! It seems this time of year we are in a battle with Mother Nature as to what season we are really in—some days warm and the next day snow! The true test of Spring for most of us is the shedding of winter hair and foals arriving safely on the ground!

Our association continues to move forward in the digital world with our Digital Horse registry, and with all new adventures, we are working out the kinks and making this registry system the best for our association.

I’d like to address an issue that seems to be reoccurring with registering and transferring horses. It is the responsibility of the breeder/seller to complete all registrations and transfers—we are experiencing too many instances where a horse is sold that has not been registered OR the new owners are handed registrations or transfer forms that are filled out, but have not been sent to the office to register. Many times, this paperwork falls to the way and we (ASHA) not only lose these horses from our records, but it causes a domino effect when the horses are older and produce offspring. We request that when you sell a horse, the seller completes the paperwork and submits to our office. We also have discounts in place for registering your horses in a timely matter, if you have any questions, please feel free to call me and I will help you. Another issue that seems to be continuing is breeders not providing the description of their horse on the registration paperwork. It is not our Secretary’s responsibility to do this, if no description is listed, that will reflect on your registration.

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