Message from your Vice President,

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As we draw closer to the Associations’ annual meeting in Tampa, Florida, I would like to take the time to invite you to attend.

This year the association made a decision to not do the traditional Education Day at our annual meeting. I know this may be a concern to some of our members not having paid speakers or visiting farms or other venues. However, I would like to assure you there is plenty for everyone to learn this year. We have a nice selection of presentations and speakers. Our main focus this year is to work on educating members on how the association operates and making the necessary updates to our continuity to keep the association current and moving forward. We will be looking at all our rules and by-laws as well as making sure we are staying up with the current times. This is a fantastic opportunity for all members to speak with their elected officials and provide their input on topics. I am truly looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting.

Click here to read the full Newsletter.