Newsletter Chair

Thank you to everyone that submitted articles and “ideas for articles” for this issue. We are constantly searching for humaninterest articles about what you are doing with your Shires. If you have an article, please don’t hesitate to submit it. We would love to have “family” stories about how your family got started in Shires and pictures to go with it. We are also looking for pictures of you and your Shires. If you have pictures, please submit them to us with a caption. We are happy to research article topics that our members are interested in as well, just let us know what you’d like to read about. For submissions, please send to

** Editor’s statement: We will only print positive articles and editorials. Please make sure that any article you send to us is written in a positive manner and does not mention any other breeder, owner, horse, author in a negative manner. Thank you for adhering to these guidelines.

Click here to read the full Newsletter.