
Well, we have had quite a year behind us. Elections and holidays have come to pass, and plans for a new year runs through our minds. Building on the foundations that have been laid out before us, we continue to grow. Change is part of being alive and it is em-braced by those that are willing to live for a future. 

The annual meeting is just around the corner. I encourage all to at-tend that can. Our education days have been on the leading edge of the draft horse industry, and this year will be no exception. The members meeting is an opportunity for all to meet those you have before and start new friendships with others. I have personally found that the before and after hour get-togethers are some of the best, and have built relationships that will last a life time. With the new B.O.D. members stepping in, fresh idea’s and new strengths will be brought to the table with much excitement. It is my hope that this membership will support the new Board of Director’s by direct communication and active support. We are here to serve this great breed, everyone of us. 

Click here to read the full Newsletter.