Dear Fellow ASHA Members: 

It has been a busy and eventful year for the American Shire Horse Association. First and foremost I would ask all of us to welcome our new secretary Myrna Rhinehart. The board of directors was impressed with the numerous excellent candidates that we had for the secretary position. Thank you to all of those who expressed interest. The choice was a difficult one. It was very gratifying to see so many come forward to be of service to the American Shire Horse Association. That bodes well for our future. I would urge those who applied and were not chosen to please consider volunteering their efforts in some area of the association’s busi-ness which they have an interest to further our association and breed. 

Next, I would like to thank Sharon McLin for filling in as interim secretary. Also, thanks to Sharon for her generous gift of her time in helping to train Myrna in the practices and proce-dures needed to operate as secretary. 

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