Dear Fellow Members:

When this reaches you, you should be through your foaling season and well into the show season. Hope all of that is going well for each and every one of you. For those of you that don’t show or have a breeding operation I hope your taking advantage of opportunity you can to spend time with our favorite breed.

We had some visitors at our farm the other day (mid- July). They were commenting on how friendly and personable the horses were compared to the other breeds they had experience with. I found myself reflecting on the wonderful personality of these horses and how lucky we are to be involved with them. Some of you may know that historically the Shire breed was criticized for being too cold blooded and not having enough drive and spirit. Of course that was back in the days when horses were being worked on the farm hour after hour and day after day. It seems to me that in today’s world where very few of us get the opportunity to actually work our horses to that extent having a breed that is very laid back and easy to manage is a major asset. More and more we are seeing a population of horse owners looking for a breed with those traits. This allows us a very unique opportunity to promote our breed within the larger horse community.

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